Don't Try to Tell Me That Your Husband is Better Looking Than Mine

Friday, December 9, 2011

This Was NEVER Supposed to Happen

I don't know how I got here. I didn't even want to become a blogger. I have been being urged into blogging for quite some time now because apparently extended family members have the desire to monitor my life. Not that this is a bad thing, it's just that I don't know how to type cute things about myself. I don't have awesome and nifty accomplishments to display such as a hand sewn quilt or some hand painted wooden blocks that offer up a festive holiday greeting to all of those that enter my home. I can already tell you that this blog is going to be a bit disappointing for those of you that want to acquire delicious recipes or instructions on how to improve your cardigan. I don't have either of those things on hand, or know how to provide them to you, if you are hoping to find something of that nature I might suggest pinterest. I have found that I can scroll through pinterest for hours and pin a million crafty ideas and a million delicious recipes, not that I have ever actually used them, but someday I will.

I recently married my perfectly wonderful husband/love of my life Tyler in July and I love being married, except I don't know what I am doing half the time with this whole being married thing, so I just act like I get it. I don't think anyone really "gets" being married it is just one of those things that you decide you want to do because you really really love someone and can't get enough of kissing them... and then you have a wedding day and all of a sudden you live together. Learning how to live with another human being that is outside of your family can be quite difficult. Learning how to live with a manly man is a HUGE adjustment. I love that Tyler is a manly man because he loves being a man, him and his kind enjoy doing things like chopping firewood and building houses in the woods. I never worry about surviving if the world comes to an end because Tyler has at least five guns of various sizes and could go into the hills and bring me back wild game that I could add to a nourishing stew (I currently receive various dead animals now and the world isn't actually ending, but we have a freezer full of organic meat and I never have to buy ground beef). I never even suspected half of the things that I have been exposed to, not that I don't appreciate each of them in their own way. I grew up with two sisters and zero brothers. I had my dad, but I guess he kind of learned how to adapt to the females around him, as he was given no other choice. Tyler was raised with two brothers. That is all I need to say. We are still making adjustments on how to see things from the other person's point of view. I am wayyyyy to sensitive and I am trying to learn how to not get offended when he gives me a noogie. Tyler is doing really well at learning that I don't like wrestling him because I always loose and have no hope of winning.

My husband Tyler is an excellent provider. On top of knowing how to provide fresh game on demand he has been dedicating two weeks of his life every month to going up to North Dakota. He drives water trucks for the oil fields, and he has his CDL... How many of you can say that about your husbands? He doesn't love going up there and I don't love it when he leaves either. Luckily this will be his last round and then we are going to try to find jobs around Idaho Falls. I am so happy that this is happening because I literally forget how to socially interact with human beings for the two weeks that he is gone. I will go hang out with family and friends and I will try to make a joke and it fails... Because it wasn't even funny. At all. I try to be "funny" to prove to myself that I do have an ounce of sanity left and it ends up making everyone feel awkward. I guess not everyone understands that I am joking when I say that "I hate everything and have nothing left to live for". Really I love everything and have a lot to live for and I am loving the beginning of this new adventure they call "marriage". I don't know how to write a normal "blog" (whatever that means) post. Hopefully I will get better at this as time goes on, if not I won't be offended if you never visit my "blog" again. I have nothing left to say so I guess this means it is time for me to go and get a bowl of peppermint ice cream.


  1. Haha...Oh Kim, how I love you! I totally agree with many of the things you said so don't feel like you're alone! You need to come visit ASAP so we can blog together! How fun would that be?! ;)

  2. Good blog Kim! You are a great writer! I would like you to have a bowl of ice cream just for me:) love you

  3. Here's the funny thing Kim I have a whole family full of manly men...and I married a guy who can't even hang a nail in the wall hahaha! How does that work? Cute blog even though I warned you that blogging is a slippery slope! LOL I'm glad you found Tyler and that you two are so happy! (Truth be told we're really glad he found you) <3 Stacy

  4. Aww, I love that you are blogging! You are the best wife I'm sure. And I love your writing style. Haha enjoy your ice cream and don't feel bad!
